Welcome to Learn

Welcome to Teachable!

We're super excited to have you on board! Our Learn Teachable school is a way for us to introduce you to Teachable the product, company, and get you familiarized with some of the tools and processes that will set you up for success in your new role.

There are a number of courses hosted within this school that your manager can enroll you in. Have a look at the courses below, click on any of the tiles in order to enroll in them (the first course "Welcome to Teachable" is a course bundle) and reach out to your direct manager or the People Operations team to get any access you need if you're running into any issues.

1 Course Bundle

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this "Learn" school and its courses all about?

Teachable's Learn School is our internal school to help onboard new employees to the product and our company as a whole. There are courses that outline the tools and processes that our Customer Educators, Product team, and Engineers can use to familiarize themselves with what we do and how we work at Teachable.

What do I do if I have trouble logging in and getting enrolled in the courses?

Feel free to reach out your direct manager or post a slack message in #it-help, #internal-tools-issues, #dev-pod-internaltools and someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

How often are the courses and content updated in this School?

We strive to make sure the content is relevant and meaningful to our new employees but we do have more work to do to improve the quality of the limited number of courses we have currently. Teachable as a company is rapidly changing and we plan to dedicate more time to really make these courses scalable and useful moving into the future. More to come!